Thursday, 13 September 2012

AwArD !! :)

Thanks a ton AaeKay for tagging me with the the Libster Award:):)                                    ..(and I felt my lips stretch into a smile on coming to know of the surprise you mentioned in the comment)

Here are my answers to some of her questions....

1. How would someone describe you to a stranger?
Well, that depends on who that someone is. Only a close friend can describe the real me.

2. Is there anywhere in the world you want to go and anywhere you don't want to go? 
  There are lots of places in my wish list where I want to go. But if I have to shortlist a few places where I dont want to go, those would be the places where theres a lurking danger to life( Nope, Im not hinting towards the unexplored interiors of the Amazon rainforests or the deepest parts of the Indian Ocean.. Im talking about the places which would be more livable if monsters called terrorists were never born)

3. What or who you inspires you the most?
   My mom

4. What was the last good deed that you did?
   Switched off the fan and lights of my room before heading to the hospital today. (In the morning rush of getting ready for my classes, I tend to forget the importance of conserving electricity and often leave them switched on) ;-)

5. What do you do to destress?
   Talk to myself (sounds absurd, though), write, listen to music ,read a good book or watch a movie.

6. What's the funniest thing that has happened to you?
Funnyand embarrasing- I still remember a day during my school days when I hopped into my school bus with my socks in my hands and shoes (laces untied) well in their appropriate place. I was very late and the bus (not to mention the whole lot of school mates sitting inside) was waiting for me honking the horn every 4 seconds. Angry, my mom rebuked me and I could do nothing but run straight to the bus, with socks in my hands where several dozen eyes directed their not-so-friendly gaze and oh-my-God-Is-she-a-nutcase?expressions at me. Back then, those were the five minutes of my life, I so badly wanted to forget. But when I think of that incident now, it seems to be a funny.

7. Where do you see yourself ten years down the line?
    A platform where I can be myself- the one I always want to be-an eminent doctor, a writer and a person who lives a worthwhile life,is cared for and cares for others and has many reasons to be happy.

8. What is one quote that you live by?
Believe you can and you are halfway there.
9. Which book has made the biggest impact in your life and how?
     Since a lot of books have influenced me, it wouldnt be appropriate if I name a single book. The impact is not one big bolt of lightning but a constant dose of positive impulses over months and years.

10. What's the most rewarding thing about being a blogger?
      Starting a blog was a decision I made a year ago.
 Just the way singers sing their way to peoples hearts, express their feelings; just the way painters paint to let loose the creativity bound in them; I do the same by writing. It gives me a rare satisfaction and is a great stress buster, but above all, I love writing. Blogging brings one in touch with people who share the love for writing. Its always been a great experience to read the posts of some wonderful people and ponder over what they have written.

Lastly, attempting to these questions was fun. Thanks for the SURPRISE.. loved it :):)


Privy Trifles said...

Hey Rinku...congratulations!!!

Lovely answers....glad to know you more :)

Rinku Moni Gogoi said...

@Me..thanks :-) Answering such questions after quite a long time....(past 2 days made me feel--after a year of intermittent blogging,I'm kinda back on the track) Thanks for stopping by this post and going through the answers :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rinku and so glad you liked the surprise!! :)

Loved reading your answers!

Rinku Moni Gogoi said...

@AaeKay.. thanks a ton :):)

So glad you liked the answers :)

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